
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Heaven in a Bottle

Earlier this year, we did an ad with Agency 51 for Kamasutra Vodka. The curvaceous female form of the bottle is only matched by the three delectable flavors offered. The flavors come in Oriental Vodka, Ginseng and Vodka, and Ginseng and Passionfruit. Try it for yourself and experience the tantalizing taste of Kamasutra Vodka!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pick of the Week: Back from the Streets

It's been quite some time since we had a post. Our team has been outside constantly this past month, taking pictures in the 90 degree weather. We're back now with pep in our step and some pretty nice tans to share our happiness with you. We hope to inspire you today with these songs to get outside and enjoy the rest of your summer to the fullest!

Steve: We Are the Champions- Queen

Mike: Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)- Marvin Gaye

Amanda: Street Fighting Man- Rolling Stones