
Friday, April 29, 2011

Faces of a New China

China, the middle kingdom, has once again evolved to have a new face, which Amanda has documented. Amanda traveled to China and experienced a whole new culture as well as a new aspect of life. While she was there she was able to photograph and videotape the lifestyle of China. The photographs depicte the hardworking chinese men on an average work day, while the videos captured the past-time for some chinese people. Minima will be representing Amanda's art work in their store located 118 North 3rd Street Philadelphia, PA 19106. The gallery will open on May 12th and end on July 30th. Come listen to Amanda at the Artist Reception on Wednesday May 11th from 5:30-8:30pm.
We would like to thank Steve Linchuk and Rob Linsalata from Agency-M for all of their time to create a spectacular invitation.